Present: Pam Bartel (President), David Hunter, Grace Nosterud, Don Allen, Reid Kennel, David Martin, Ron Bestvater, Harold Hesje, John Torrance (Secretary), Ken Murdoch
It was noted that there is no need to subsidize the local arrangements this year because the fees covered expenses.
The first virtual gathering of the 2021 Friars’ Briar participants took place at noon today. Salmon Arm would have hosted the Briar except for the COVID-19 restrictions. 20 curlers are registered. Laverne Hautz set up the game through Google docs. There will be $100 divided up between winners.
Reid wants to step down from Vice-President because he is moving to Thunder Bay, but will stay for another year. Harold also would like to step down next year as Treasurer but will continue for this year. Ken Murdock will continue as historian. Pam will stay as President. John Torrance will continue as Secretary. We will replace Vice-President and Treasurer next year.
Moved by Ron Bestvater, seconded by Don Allen that the Executive remain the same until next year. Carried.
Nominations for the Board Members and Officers:
– Ron Bestvater’s (SK) term is up in 2021. He doesn’t want to continue. His Saskatoon club will name someone else for Sask.
Lethbridge – Lee Lovebridge is willing to host us. Pam called motels & hotels which still have space. Lethbridge Rink has 10 sheets. The advantage is that the Tim Horton’s Brier is in Lethbridge. This would be Plan A. A friend of Pam’s, Kathy, has volunteered to be on the Local Arrangements Committee.
Plan B would be the Shamrock Clug in Edmonton.
– Pam showed us the trophy with a new base, so more team names can be added. She will also have a case made.
– Pam asked if we should order new pins – Harold says we have lots of them in his room. We should offer new curlers the pins for $5. We will cover the cost of mailing.
AGM Agenda – March 11 – 7:00 pm EST
12 Adjourn