Friars’ Briar Annual Meeting 2022

Lethbridge Curling Club

March 9, 2022

  1. Opening – Pam asked people who invited them to their first Briar, and who they have invited to a Briar. This was to get us thinking about inviting new player to London 2023.
  2. Review of Agenda
  3. Acceptance of the 2021 AGM minutes Moved by Sieg Wall, seconded by Don Allan the acceptance of the 2021 AGM Minutes.
  4. Local committee report – Lee Loveridge – had to be patient to see whether or not the Briar would be allowed because of COVID restrictions but are happy that 8 teams responded. We are pleased with the facility. The deficit of about $150 was covered when a bucket was passed asking for $5 contribution from members; we are also pleased with the food servers; members are encouraged to tip and/or turn in food voucher cards in at the end of the Briar, which will serve as a tip; we are pleased with the ice technicians and crew.
  5. Recognition of Local Arrangements Committee – round of applause
  6. Report from the Board; Pam reviewed the Minutes
  7. Treasurer’s Report – Balance at end of fiscal year – $5,310.51

Moved by Kurt Sawatsky, seconded by David Hunter the acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report. Carried.

  1. Nominations for the Board Members and Officers:

President – Pam Bartel – willing to continue to 2023
Vice President – Chris Schwanz
Past President – David Martin
Secretary – John Torrance
Treasurer – Kurt Sawatsky
Historian – Ken Murdoch

WebMaster – Alex Harrison

Moved by Sieg Wall, seconded by Marcus Baker the acceptance of the Board and Officers.  Carried.

  1. Provincial directors

BC – Don Allan 2025

AB – Grace Nosterud 2024

SK – Ron Bestvater 2023

MB – Jack Dyck – 2027

ON – John Torrance 2023

ON – Kellie McComb 2027

  1. Location and date of the 2023 Briar.

The 2023 Tim Horton Brier will be held in London, ON, March 6-10. Arrangements are being made with local Curling Clubs. We hope to have 22-24 teams next year in London

  1. Amazing Grace award to be announced at Banquet tomorrow
  2. Memorial Moment to be observed at Banquet tomorrow
    1. Bob Burton
    2. Roger Winger
  3. Other business – Pam reviewed the decision of 2018 that one member of a team has to be a member of a club or an employee of a faith-based organization. The other members of a team can be anyone.
  4. Presidents Challenge – prizes for people who have never been to a Briar, and perhaps extra incentives if the team is comprised of all first time Friars.
  5. Adjourned at 2:07 pm