Friars’ Briar Annual Meeting 2019

Winnipeg, Manitoba

February 28, 2019

1.       David Martin, chairperson, welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.  He began the meeting with an opening prayer.

2.       MSC that the Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on March 8, 2018 in Regina, SK be approved as posted on the Friars’ Briar website.

3.       Dennis Butcher reported on behalf of the Local Planning/Hosting Committee.  He noted that there were five denominations represented on the committee.  He thanked all the committee members for their fine work and especially thanked the draw master, Tom Lurvey, and his assistant, Sieg Wall.  The assembly responded with a round of applause.

4.       Report from the Board:

a.       No action was required regarding travel allowance, as the local committee took care of this.

b.      MSC a vote of thanks to Ken Murdoch, the Friars’ Briar Webmaster and Historian for all the diligent work that he has done.

c.       MSC that the CCA Rulebook be fully adopted as the Rulebook for Friars’ Briar Bonspiels.  Thus, we will use the definition of “skip” that is found in the CCA Rulebook.  Here’s what the CCA Rulebook says: 6. (1) The skip has the exclusive direction of the game for their team and shall deliver stones in each end. (2) The skip may play any position in the delivery rotation of their team. Our own FBA – Bonspiel Rules will be amended by removing the following sentence which now appears in I. A: For the Friars’ Briar, the “skip” is defined as the player that throws last rocks.

5.       Harold Hesje presented the Treasurer’s Report for the fiscal year, February 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019.  The Report showed a total revenue for the year of $4,308.10 and total expenditures for the year of $2,230.70, leaving a year-end balance of $2,007.40.  The year-end balance added to the balance carried forward from the previous year ($1,657.76) amounts to a total balance at the end of the fiscal year of $3,735.16.  MSC that the treasurer’s report be adopted as presented.

6.       MSC that the following list of Provincial Directors be approved:

a.       BC – Ernie Paetsch 2020

b.      AB – Grace Nosterud 2024

c.       SK – Ron Bestvater 2021

d.      MB – Ken Perret 2020

e.      ON – John Torrance 2023

f.        ON – Pam Bartel 2023

Directors were thanked with a round of applause for their willingness to serve.

7.       MSC that the following candidates for Officer positions be elected for a one-year term:

a.       President – Pam Bartel

b.      Vice President – Reid Kennel

c.       Past President – David Martin

d.      Secretary – John Torrance

e.      Treasurer – Harold Hesje

f.        Historian – Ken Murdoch

8.       Special Recognition

a.       It was noted with congratulations to all that this is the 40th Anniversary of the Friars’ Briar.

b.      Heavenly Host Award was presented to The West.  Don Allan accepted the award on behalf of all the teams from the west.

c.       It was announced that this year’s Amazing Grace Award goes to our amazing spares who helped us all by filling the slate to 24 teams.

d.      It was announced that the President’s Challenge Award was won by the Friesen rink.  They scored the most three-enders.


9.       The assembly paused for a few moments to honour the memory of the following Friars’ Briar members who died this past year:

a.       Jim Darlington

b.      Barbara Petit

c.       Ab Lorch

d.      Bob McNaught


10.   Next Year’s Friars’ Briar

a.       The KW Curling Club extended an invitation to hold the 2020 Friars’ Briar in Waterloo, ON.

b.      The invitation was gratefully accepted, and so the next Friars’ Briar Bonspiel will be held in Waterloo, March 2 to March 6, 2020 (the Brier will be in Kingston at the same time).

11.   MSC – that a Vote of Thanks be extended to the Executive for its work throughout the year, and for a well-planned and well-conducted Annual Meeting.

The out-going president, Dave Martin was given a gift in appreciation for his many years of service – a blanket or wall-hanging with a curling theme!

12.   Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by

Harold Hesje, Secretary pro tem.